Magden, Maisprach, Olsberg and Giebenach write History

Small villages often write history in Switzerland. Not far from Rheinfelden (Canton of Aargau) are the villages of Magden (Canton of Basel-Landschaft), Olsberg (Canton of Basel-Landschaft and Canton of Aargau) and Maisprach and Giebenach (Canton of Basel-Landschaft). Magden Magden The first mention of Magden dates from 804 in a charter of St Gallen Abbey. The … Read more » “Magden, Maisprach, Olsberg and Giebenach write History”

The Cathedral or Münster of Basel

The Cathedral of Basel (das Münster) is over a thousand years old. In 1019, after renovating its early medieval predecessor, the cathedral was consecrated in the presence of the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, Heinrich II (973-1024) and his wife Kunigunde (975-1040). Henry II (973-1024) and Kunigunde (975-1040), the original statues, Museum Kleines Klingental … Read more » “The Cathedral or Münster of Basel”

The Uster Day, the new Constitution and Democracy

In the Late Middle Ages, the city of Zurich acquired vast surrounding countryside areas. The canton’s rural population was under the political and economic control of the city’s rulers. Although the Helvetic Republic (1798-1803) proclaimed freedom and equality in 1798, the old city oligarchy enacted 1814 a new constitution that restored their power (called Die … Read more » “The Uster Day, the new Constitution and Democracy”