The Romans, Alemanni and Swiss-Italians in Oensingen

The castle of Neu-Bechburg was built in the 11th and 12th centuries. The castle still defines the skyline of Oensingen. More than one thousand years earlier, in the Roman period, this place was an important traffic junction. The Great St. Bernhard pass was of great importance. Emperor Claudius (10 BC – 54 AD) made this … Read more » “The Romans, Alemanni and Swiss-Italians in Oensingen”

The Röstigraben and French- and German Speaking Switzerland

The 26 cantons of Switzerland differ in size, religion, language, economy, and rural or urban character. Religion is no longer a political dispute after 1848 (and after the Sonderbundskrieg of 1847). The language borders are a serious dividing line, however, especially between the Romandie (six (mostly) French-speaking cantons in western Switzerland, and the (mainly) German-speaking cantons. … Read more » “The Röstigraben and French- and German Speaking Switzerland”