The Church of Wintersingen

In the High Middle Ages, the parish church of Wintersingen (Canton of Basel-Landschaft) was owned by the canons of St Leonhard in Basel. An archaeological survey uncovered several graves and stone slabs which, together with the last remains of the foundation, point to the presence of a first church around 700 or at the beginning … Read more » “The Church of Wintersingen”

The Upper Rhine Cooperation

One more year, and the Association Regio Basiliensis will celebrate its 60th anniversary in 2023 as one of the first cross-border partnerships in Europe. Regio Basiliensis  The Association ( is a successful pioneer of cross-border cooperation and distinguishes itself by its political and institutional framework. It is expressed, for example, in the Oberrheinkonferenz (Upper Rhine … Read more » “The Upper Rhine Cooperation”

The Blossom of the Jura Moutains

The fruit trees near the village of Gempen (canton of Solothurn) are a feast for the eyes in spring. The mountains and wooded slopes put this blooming landscape in a fairytale perspective, only 20 kilometres from Basel. The beautiful blossom is present in other regions of Switserland as well, for example, in Seeland, the Berner … Read more » “The Blossom of the Jura Moutains”