Natural History Museum 200 Years

In 1821, Basel opened its first state museum, the Natural History Museum Basel (Naturhistorisches Museum Basel), in the Falkensteinerhof building on the Münsterplatz. The specialist libraries, collections and research equipment were no longer scattered throughout the city but were under one roof. Some collections date back to the Middle Ages and the Basler bourgeoisie’s passion … Read more » “Natural History Museum 200 Years”

The Romandy

The Swiss artist Ben Vautier exhibited his art by the claim “La Suisse n’existe pas” at the world exhibition in Seville (1992). Switzerland exists, but what about the Romandy or La Suisse romande, the French-speaking part of Switzerland? Although religion plays a less critical role nowadays, the Catholic and Protestant dividing lines crisscross through the … Read more » “The Romandy”

The Constitution of 1848

The Constitution of 1848 marked the beginning of a rapid development of the new Swiss Confederation in almost all areas. 1815-1848 The confederation of sovereign cantons became a federal state of three political layers: the federal level, the cantons and the municipalities. The principle of sovereign cantons remained unchanged with one important difference: unless the … Read more » “The Constitution of 1848”