Landscape, Agriculture and Democracy in Entlebuch and Emmental

The landscape in the UNESCO Bioreserve Entlebuch (UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch) in Canton of Lucerne and the Emmental in Canton of Bern was created in a process spanning over 200 million years. Oceans and seas, the formation of the Alps, cold and warm periods, the shape of lakes and rivers and the deposition of rocks and … Read more » “Landscape, Agriculture and Democracy in Entlebuch and Emmental”

Tondü Palace and the chimney sweeps of Tessin

Palazzo Tondü (Tondü Palace) is the history of a family of chimney sweeps from Tessin. The history of the many Zuckerbäcker from Graubünden and their worldwide fame is well known. However, most of these emigrants had a poor existence. Only a tiny minority became wealthy through their hotels, restaurants, cafes, patisseries or, e.g. breweries in (capital) … Read more » “Tondü Palace and the chimney sweeps of Tessin”

The Clock Tower of Bern

Switzerland is a country of wristwatches, meteorological clocks, and astronomical clocks. The Zeitglockenturm (Zytglogge) is the first western gate of the city of Bern and was built around 1200-1256. The tower was integrated into the city wall on both sides. Today, it is part of the rows of houses. The tower is in the centre … Read more » “The Clock Tower of Bern”