INFOBEST Palmrain Thirty Years

The German-French-Swiss INFOBEST PALMRAIN has provided free bilingual information, mediation and advice to citizens, associations, companies, public authorities and political actors on a wide range of cross-border issues for 30 years. The organisation was founded on 1 July 1993. The trinational institution celebrated its 30th anniversary on 21 April in the former customs station at … Read more » “INFOBEST Palmrain Thirty Years”

Swiss Bishopics and Cultural and Linguistic Plurality

In the centuries between the (slow) dissolution of the Roman Empire (5th century) and the rise of the great Monarchies (from the 10th-13th centuries), the Church, abbeys and dioceses were the most important social, economic and political institutions with great secular power on the territory of what is called Switzerland today. The diocese was a … Read more » “Swiss Bishopics and Cultural and Linguistic Plurality”