Switzerland, A European Microcosmos ?

Switzerland is the outcome of centuries of cooperation, alliances, exchanges and contacts between the cantons. After the Congress of Vienna (1814-1815), it seemed impossible to unite these sovereign republics and their different languages, religions, cultures and (economic) interests in a federation with a national currency, government, parliament, army or even a flag or a national … Read more » “Switzerland, A European Microcosmos ?”

The House of the Cantons

The opening of the House of Cantons (Haus der Kantone, Maison des cantons) in 2008 was a milestone in the cooperation between the 26 cantons. As a joint umbrella organisation of 13 governmental and 16 associated organisations of the cantons, it functions as a centre for knowledge, discussion and consultation. The House of Cantons concentrates … Read more » “The House of the Cantons”

Youth Choir Festival Basel

For its 13th edition, the festival (das Europäische Jugendchor Festival Basel, EJCF) has invited choirs from 11 European countries, a guest choir from the Philippines, seven youth choirs from different Swiss-speaking regions and the choirs of the Musik-Akademie Basel and the Knaben- und Mädchenkantorei Basel. From 17 to 21 May 2023, around 2,400 young singers … Read more » “Youth Choir Festival Basel”