12 September 1848

The present-day Swiss Confederation came into being on 12 September 1848. On that day, the parliament (Tagsatzung) approved the text after the cantons had adopted it with a majority of 15 ½ cantons against 6 ½. Of these 6 ½ opponents (Zug, Valais, Uri, Tessin, Schwyz, Appenzell Innerrhoden (1/2), Nidwalden (1/2) and Obwalden (1/2), 3 ½ … Read more » “12 September 1848”

Annual Meeting Regio Basiliensis

The Swiss organisation Regio Basiliensis held its 58th annual meeting on 9 September in St. Louis, France. Regio Basiliensis has about 450 members (public authorities, entrepreneurs, educational institutions and private persons) in the cantons of Jura, Aargau, Alsace, Basel-Stadt, Basel-Landschaft and Solothurn.  Its goal is to promote, stimulate and initiate cooperation and integration in the Rhine … Read more » “Annual Meeting Regio Basiliensis”

Älggialp, the Geographical and Spiritual Centre

The geographical centre of Switzerland is on the Älggialp, to the south of the municipality of Sachseln (Canton of Obwalden)). A small pyramid marks this spot. The idyllic village of Sachseln is located on the shores of Lake Sarnen. The village of Flüeli lies 4 km further. Niklaus von Flüe (1417-1487) was born and lived … Read more » “Älggialp, the Geographical and Spiritual Centre”