The Swiss Constitution 1848-2023

The Constitution of Switzerland is 175 years old and dates from 1848. Switzerland was the only nation in Europe with a liberal constitution in 1848. The Federal Constitution resulted from only 51 days of negotiation between February and April 1848. After the votes and referendums in the cantons, the Tagsatzung (the assembly of the representatives of … Read more » “The Swiss Constitution 1848-2023”

The Swiss Militia System

One of the essential characteristics of Swiss democracy is its militia system ( Milizsystem,  système de milice). It means that the citizens make, form and supervise the state at all levels, the res republica. History The system is a centuries-old concept of the “Landsgemeinde” (the cantonal assembly) in the so-called Urschweiz, i.e. the cantons in central Switzerland. Switzerland (die … Read more » “The Swiss Militia System”

Multilingual Switzerland

“Les langues ne sont pas neutres. Elles incarnent des cultures, elles imprègnent les mentalités, elles engendrent des affinités, elles aiguillonnent des susceptibilités, elles expriment des sensibilités, elles traduisent des manières de raisonner, de penser, de vivre et elles influencent et déterminent même la conception que les citoyens ont du rôle de l’État par rapport aux … Read more » “Multilingual Switzerland”