The Republic of Basel

The new history of Basel (Die neue Basler Stadtgeschichte ) appears in 2024. This book tells the story of the economic, social and cultural successes of the canton Basel-Stadt and the city on the Rhine, but also the missed opportunities. From an economic and cultural perspective, medieval Basel was mainly focused on the Alsace and … Read more » “The Republic of Basel”

Fifty years women’s suffrage

The Swiss Confederation introduced universal suffrage for men in 1848 as the first democracy in Europe and as one of the world’s first nations. History However, women’s right to vote at the national level would only become a reality on 26 March 1971, following the referendum of 7 February. Switzerland was almost the last country … Read more » “Fifty years women’s suffrage”

The Forgotten Occupation of Neuchâtel

d’ Orléans-Longueville and the Prussian King The county belonged by inheritance to German princes of the Houses of Freiburg and Hochberg (1395-1504) and the French dynasty d’ Orléans-Longueville (1504-1706). The Swiss Confederation 1512-1529 The Prince of d’Orléans-Longueville rarely showed up in the principality after 1504. The Confederates (Eidgenossen) were interested in this area. The Burgundian … Read more » “The Forgotten Occupation of Neuchâtel”