The Wenkenhof and English Park in Riehen

Wenkenhof first appears in the early Middle Ages and refers to an estate on the hillside above the Wiesental. The  Wenken is mentioned in a document as early as 751 as the property of Ebo, a count of an Alemannic tribe. The estate belonged successively to the abbey of St. Gallen (c. 800-ca 1100) and … Read more » “The Wenkenhof and English Park in Riehen”

Europe’s oldest democracy has a new government

On 13 December, Europe’s oldest democracy with universal suffrage (for men) elected the world’s most stable and oldest government with seven ministers (Bundesrat or Bundesratin). The appointment procedure for these seven ministers is also exceptional. The powers, the number (seven) of ministers, the term of office of the national government, the Federal Council (Bundesrat/Conseil fédéral), … Read more » “Europe’s oldest democracy has a new government”

Dies academicus of the University of Basel and Artificial Intelligence

The Dies academicus of the University of Basel took place on 24 November 2023 in the town’s oldest parish church, the Martinskirche (11th century). It is an appropriate location for the country’s oldest University.  Martinskirche Erasmus (1469-1536) did not live long enough to experience it. Still, in 1538, the Erasmus Foundation (Erasmusstiftung) for scholarships for … Read more » “Dies academicus of the University of Basel and Artificial Intelligence”