Beinwil, Passwang, Mills, Iron, Hohe Winde and Kamms

The former monastery of Beinwil and the Benedictine monastery of Mariastein (canton of Solothurn) are as inseparably linked to each other as the river Lüssel is to the Jura mountain range of Passwang with Vogelberg (1204 m) in canton Basel-Landschaft as its highest point. View from the top of the Vogelberg. The source of the … Read more » “Beinwil, Passwang, Mills, Iron, Hohe Winde and Kamms”

Mariastein Abbey

A Maria chapel, “im Stein” (in stone), was first documented in 1434. However, there was already another chapel, a rock chapel. The Chapel of Grace (Gnadenkapelle) is still visited by around 250,000 pilgrims annually. It is the heart and destination of the Mariastein pilgrimage. Over the centuries, the rocky cave has been converted into a … Read more » “Mariastein Abbey”