Beinwil, Passwang, Mills, Iron, Hohe Winde and Kamms

The former monastery of Beinwil and the Benedictine monastery of Mariastein (canton of Solothurn) are as inseparably linked to each other as the river Lüssel is to the Jura mountain range of Passwang with Vogelberg (1204 m) in canton Basel-Landschaft as its highest point. View from the top of the Vogelberg. The source of the … Read more » “Beinwil, Passwang, Mills, Iron, Hohe Winde and Kamms”

Mir rede au Elsassisch, Leymen and Hagenthal-le-Bas

A Swiss cartoon symbolises and puts the Röstigraben into perspective, the difference between the French and German-speaking parts of the country. On the German side of the Saane near Freiburg, a sign reads: : “Ici on parle français”. On both sides of the river, however, there are identical houses, and identically dressed people, and they … Read more » “Mir rede au Elsassisch, Leymen and Hagenthal-le-Bas”

Vogel Gryff, Leu and Wild Maa

The drums and (march) music resemble the Basler Fasnacht. This Kleinbasel tradition has a different origin, however. The Fasnacht takes place from 19 to 21 February this year. The Vogel Gryff tradition will be celebrated on January 20, 2024. Three centuries-old societies (Ehrengesellschaften) welcome their patrons Vogel Gryff (Bird), Leu (Lion) and Wild Maa (Wild … Read more » “Vogel Gryff, Leu and Wild Maa”